Familja Wahda

Are they already here?

Lilian Maestre is a great old lady. She anchors a morning programme aimed mostly at pensioners. The programme is aired every morning and she invites a motley assortment of guests: vets, a vast selection of civil servants, garden shop owners, horticulturalists, agriculturalists, olive growers, the compulsory medic, and many more. She has an incredible patience dealing with phone-ins, some of whom ask the most awkward questions, use centuries old clichés or are down right out of point.
So good Lilian, on a warm spring day earlier this week invites someone from the EU Office in Valletta, ostensibly representing the European Parliament, to talk to us about the joys of EU policies and affairs. The subject may have not been illegal immigration but even if it weren’t it very quickly turned in that direction.
The explanations and reasoning aired by this gentleman were astounding. He shattered every rule of logic that the laws of nature impose on us lesser mortals. It seems that rubbing shoulders with so many MEP’s gives some kind of immunity that exempt you from such inconveniences.

A listener phones in.

He is all worry and alert about ISIS terrorists being smuggled into Europe together with the rest of the boat immigrants. A risk everyone seems to be wary of. Unless you are jetting between Brussels and Strasbourg, it’s a very reasonable concern.

Our EU official puts this old gentleman’s mind at rest.

The immigrants, he says are not screened for their faiths, but, he tells the listener, that he should know, that there are many Catholics (not Christians, but Catholics indeed) among the immigrants. He goes on to recount about an experience he had when interviewing one immigrant (in some previous prestigious life amongst the civil service elite, no doubt): ‘Did you hear about Malta, before you actually landed here?’ he asks. ‘Oh, yes’ answers the immigrant, ‘from the Bible’.
That goes to prove that many of them are Catholics or Christians or whatever but surely not Muslims.

Now we all know that you don’t have to spend much time screening and conducting interviews to find out how many of the immigrants are Muslim. You could start by checking out the names. If you call out ‘Mohammed!!’ three quarters of them would look round. That would just be a quick acid test.
The cream on the cake, the gravity defying supreme act of reasoning, is still to come.

Did you know, the good gentleman tells the listener, that many ISIS fighters are actually European?

Right. So it seems that any European could be a terrorist, the terrorists are already here anyway, and a few more of them on a boat are not going the tip any scale either way, correct?

This is the crux of the matter that this gentlemen out of plain stupidity or intent to mislead fails to point out. The danger of allowing more Muslims to enter Europe is not Islam itself but the sheer impossibility of integrating the vast majority of them into our ‘Western’ way of life. The European ISIS fighters are European only because their passports say so. They are second and even third generation immigrants who failed to integrate notwithstanding that they were born and bred in the urban centres of Europe.

There is where the danger lies. Are European politicians sowing the seeds of our future destruction?

It is surprising what an inconspicuous little radio phone-in talk show can reveal about the mental state of some of our fellow citizens and how our so-called leaders put their minds at rest.

Another phone in questions the validity of calling the immigrants ‘irregular’.

So you may think that this learned listener is insisting that since they throw away their documents and are intent on imposing themselves upon the nation they should be called ‘illegal’, right?


According to him they are perfectly legal. Surprised.? Oh, you shouldn’t be.

Here is the reasoning: The moment our patrol boats crewed as they are with official service men rescue them from their boats and bring them to Malta accompanied as they are on official naval vessels, their entry stops being illegal!

The mind boggles.

So this means that the act of saving a person in distress legitimises the crime that he was intent on doing. Whether or not the immigrant is a legitimate candidate for humanitarian protection or just another economic migrant is completely irrelevant. The act of saving gives our servicemen the divine right of absolution!

Wow! This listener must be one of those university lecturers that have too much time on their hands and spend it all nurturing a moral superiority which they so love to impose on us, the poor great unwashed peasants that we are.

Poor, poor, small-brained worms that we are – we thought we knew it all. That beacon of knowledge in Msida must be churning out tomorrow’s super race like pastizzi and we haven’t even noticed.

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