Who is Arkon Dexter?

Arkon was born ambidextrous.
When his mother found out, she was convinced that the Almighty had smitten her for her past lecherous lifestyle, the result of which was the accident she named Arkon.
With due haste she proceeded to chastise the sinister side of Arkon with the remedies of the time which included the binding of the left arm to the wretched boy’s belt and a daily severe beating.
Soon the demons were exorcized and Arkon began to see the world as it really is.
But alas, life for Arkon was not meant to be that easy.
His father wanted him to become a great civil engineer and his mother wanted him to be a politician.
As Arkon wandered through the narrow corridors of his miserable life, he realised that he was as mathematically dyslexic as they come. His engineering works, if they would ever stand would be straight out of a nightmare.
Politics would come with even worse prospects. You wouldn’t want to meet Arkon in the living daylight, let alone as a home visitor after dark. Who would vote for this wretched, stammering, stodgy parody of an orator?
So poor Arkon left school early and embarked on a career of loitering around the Emperor’s Palace, selling balloons to kids and dog food to tourists.
Fortune smiled at last at Arkon, when the Emperor’s daughter, 18 at the time, that age perhaps the only good thing that ever happened to her, took fancy to him. She convinced her father to take him on as the court jester. The Emperor, master of the art of doing nothing, without bothering to even check what the creature looked like, dispatched his famous tailors to clad the miserable creature with the colourful livery of the Imperial fool.
And lo! Thus was born Arkon Dexter, the Jester ready with a Pester, who found himself in the company of even greater fools as the Emperor’s court revealed itself to be nothing but an infestation of obnoxious villains that would downgrade a Bubonic pandemic to a passing hay fever.
And so the adventure began…

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