From the Frying Pan, Straight, Head First and Right into the Fire.

Comodini Cachia was elected in 2017.
Therese Comodini Cachia – the PN needs her like it needs a hole in the head

The Maltese Nationalist Party, which is a Nationalist Party only in name is about to be led by Therese.

Therese won a seat as MEP at the EU parliament in the  2015 elections for a four year term. Two years later, in 2017 while still serving as MEP she contested the Maltese parliamentary 2017 elections which the PN lost by a landslide. However Therese was elected.

Therese was dismayed that she would just be a bored and boring lowly paid MP serving in the miserable Maltese parliament on the opposition benches. Her dream of an election win for the PN and an appointment as a Minister went up in the air – something she could have easily predicted, but gifted with the foresight of  Magoo she obviously didn’t.

Seeing that serving as an MEP in Brussels is more glamorous and much more lucrative than representing the wretched voters who elected her from her constituency, she decided to give up her seat and opt for a return to Brussels.

The Nationalist public, already madder than a hornet by the dismal result obtained by the shoddy leadership of the time didn’t take the insult lying down and Therese was forced to reverse her decision.

Would you ever vote for a party with a leader like that?! and potentially crown her as your country’s Prime Minister ?!

Oh surely not.

The Nationalist Party is in a sorry state and there is little the 30 MP’s can do to save the day. The Nationalist Party is doomed to melt away like an ice cube in a desert: slowly and painfully.

The best that the leadership can do (is anyone worthy of the title ‘leader’ in there?) is to stop the party squatting on the name ‘Nationalist’ and renounce it to eventually be adopted by a movement which is true to the name and believes in our nation.

These lot can rename themselves as the Liberal Party, the EU Federalist Party, the Liberal Leftist Party or the Pro-EU party or whatever they think best describes them

The sooner they sort out themselves, the better so that one day we can have a party worthy of the  title ‘Nationalist’ whose interest will be the Maltese people first and foremost, whose policies and politics are designed and employed for the national good and not used as a stepping stone by traitors to mount the Brussels gravy train in Metsola fashion.

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